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Park(ing) Day

Location: Varies

Launch date: 2005

Park(ing) Day is an annual project with participatory happenings worldwide. Designed as an open-source urban design prototype to explore the use of urban space, Park(ing) Day encourages participants around the world to temporarily reclaim roadside metered parking spaces and transform them into parks for various activities, including art, activism and cultural expression.

How might we create a variety of experiences and happenings?

How might we invite the community to co-create events and spaces?

How might we gather user feedback and preferences for new ideas?

Park(ing) Day encourages individuals to explore various methods of utilising curbside parking areas. Experimentation with diverse materials and functions beyond the traditional “park-like” design is supported and appreciated.

How might we enhance the community’s perception of the POS?

Park(ing) Day has a positive impact on local businesses and non-profit organisations by offering promotional possibilities through collaborative efforts.

How might we co-create POS with users?

The project is designed as a publicly available urban design model. It includes a complimentary online “how-to” manual outlining the events’ principles and offering guidance on transforming a parking area into a Park(ing) space.

Park(ing) Day

Image Attribution: ©One Bite Design Studio