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My POSsible Design Guide

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About POS

The Conductor

Refers to:

Project consultants, technical specialists, and contractors.


The Conductor is driven by their professional knowledge and experience. As they are the ones to coordinate advice from all the other Personas, they are primarily driven by design considerations that balance different perspectives.


  • Like in an orchestra, the Conductor offers leadership and charisma to implement a complex POS project. Because of their familiarity with the other Personas, you can count on them to coordinate and liaise with different parties involved while staying on track with project budgets and deadlines.
  • They bring vision to the project vision and troubleshoot onsite issues. Like a real conductor, you can rely on their professional skills to meet the aesthetic and technical requirements of the project, and their leadership can drive innovation.

How to collaborate with them?

  • Set out the project objectives, outcomes and timeline early with the Conductor at the beginning of the Action Phase. Agree on the right “pitch” that is harmonious and comfortable for all parties to work together!
  • Provide ample time for the Conductor to work and carry out their elaborate “masterpiece” for your POS. Communication on time management is key to the success of working with the Conductor.

If you are the Conductor…

  • You are already very familiar with POS projects, and the most useful resources in the Design Guide are the practical tips and Case Studies. You can start with the Goals in the Design Strategies and Parameters of Desirable POS to help refine the information you need.
  • Sometimes, you can also refer to 6 Personas for inspiration about how to collaborate with different Personas – after all, you are the one who talks to everyone in a POS project.