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My POSsible Design Guide

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About POS

The Magnet

Refers to

Project proponents and owners of a POS or a POS project, such as members of government departments across different levels, and representatives of land developers and project owners.


Government policies, strategic plans and vision, and meeting neighbourhood-specific needs are key motivators of the Magnet’s participation in POS projects.


  • As project proponents and owners of a POS or a POS project, Magnets have great influence over the trajectory of a project. They can also create a force field around them and draw in other Personas required to set the project in motion. With a forward thinking mindset, they can kick-start pilot projects and make long-term positive impacts possible in the POS development process.
  • Well-versed with government policies and statutory planning requirements, Magnets can help you navigate through the complexities of bureaucratic procedures and develop a realistic implementation framework for the project.

How to collaborate with them?

  • It’s good to get the Magnet on board early and work collaboratively to formulate the vision and plan of your POS and project. Using local references, successful case studies, and site visits can help illustrate your ideas and establish a shared vision with them. Sharing and training programmes can also help the Magnet gain knowledge and motivation to drive innovation, especially in cases where local references are limited.
  • The Magnet can help motivate a variety of Personas. They are always the first ones you go to whenever you need any help or resources from others.

If you are the Magnet…

  • As the core of your POS project, you can discover useful information from every corner of the Design Guide. Still, you may always start with the Goals in the Design Strategies and Parameters of Desirable POS to initiate your thinking process.
  • The Design Guide is helpful no matter what workstage you are in. For example, to define project vision and objectives in the Planning Phase, check the Good Design-led Values and facilitate stakeholders’ engagement with the Design Thinking Toolkit. If you want innovative ideas in the Action Phase, check out the practical tips and Case Studies.
  • The Planning, Action, Evaluation Roadmaps can guide you through diverse scenarios you may encounter in a POS project.