What if I could find out the shared priorities and ideals that are important to the community?
From “Good” to “Desirable”
How might we incorporate neighbourhood characters to strengthen place attachment?
Incorporate featured elements or themes that reflect local culture and heritage.
Community research can identify noteworthy features and suitable themes.
Consult relevant POS Personas, such as the Regular, the Mediator, and the Genie, to gain a thorough understanding of the neighbourhood. You may find it helpful to use Design Thinking Tools “Online Survey Guide”, “Street Poling Guide” or “Focus Group” to engage these parties to understand the POS and the neighbourhood.
Use census data, such as the ethnicity breakdown, to understand the demographics of the community.
Involve the community in producing the featured elements. For instance, they can be designed by local artists and produced by local artisans with other members of the community. Materials can also be locally-sourced.
Draw inspirations for themes from the tangible and intangible heritage of the community, such as significant buildings, historic monuments, and social and cultural practices.
Retain and repurpose symbolic structures through adaptive reuse.
Repurposing existing structures that are culturally significant can lower construction costs and reduce the environmental footprint of construction. It can also preserve the history of the site. These revitalised structures remind users of the past and add character to the POS. Common examples include railway tracks, artillery depots or gun structures, and decommissioned industrial facilities.