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My POSsible Design Guide

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All About POS

Spectrum of POS in Hong Kong

The concept of POS is broad and complex. While it commonly refers to a variety of open areas within the urban environment that are essentially free for the general public to access, use, and enjoy, it also has different interpretations depending on the context. Dimensions such as scale, ownership, facilities provisions, functions and activities permitted in the space are often used to frame the definitions of POS. On some occasions, there could be overlapping or even conflicting interpretations of POS, each with different stipulations on POS design, provision and management.

For instance, in the Chapter 4 of the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG), the definition of Open Space (OS) is a statutory land use zone for the provision of OS and recreation facilities for the enjoyment of the general public, which includes parks, gardens, sittingout areas, and waterfront promenades. Therefore, it does not include open spaces in country parks and coastal protection areas dedicated to conservation. However, the concept of Public Open Space in Private Developments (POSPD) elaborated by the Development Bureau , the definition of POS centres on ownership, management responsibilities and usage rights. The spectrum of POS definitions in Hong Kong reflects the various roles among different parties in POS provision.

As our city evolves, so do our needs and expectations for POS. In addition to serving leisure and recreational purposes, POS are increasingly viewed as part of our cities’ climate and conservation strategy and a key ingredient in strengthening urban resilience. To optimise the potential of POS, there is a growing discussion around incorporating other open spaces, such as streets, alleys, riverside promenades, and even underutilised spaces beneath flyovers, into our cities’ POS.

POS Types In This Guide

While there are varied systems of POS classification in Hong Kong, this project focuses on the 6 POS types that ArchSD implements, as shown below in ascending order of size:

Sitting-Out Area
Public Play Space
Public Park
Waterfront Promenade
Country Park

As these 6 POS types can vary widely based on factors such as size, location, managing organisation, and user group, a thorough understanding is necessary to define their characteristics and roles in the urban fabric and thus help create specific design solutions and concepts.

More about POS Users

The 6 POS types examined in this Guide all serve as important leisure and activity spaces for various users who visit them for different purposes, have different needs and engage with them by different means. We consider users as the key element and the undeniable starting point for discussing different POS types. Before delving into an in-depth discussion, it is crucial to differentiate user groups based on their expectations, experiences, and aspirations.

As part of the project, a Field Survey was conducted in late 2021, covering 24 POS sites across Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and New Territories. It revealed several key usage patterns among users who are often overlooked. These patterns are categorised based on age, gender, ethnicity, mobility, and user typology. The surveys revealed that underappreciated user needs and behaviours should also be considered when designing and developing a desirable POS. Download the corresponding part in the Design Guide to know more.