What if I could share my knowledge on new technologies and trends?
From “Good” to “Desirable”
How might we invite the community to co-create events and spaces?
Designate flexible space for pop-up programmes and future developments.
Different forms of co-creation can be incorporated into different aspects of the POS. Pop-up programmes enable the testing and development of various materials and functions, leading to typologies that go beyond basic recreational spaces.
How might we gather user feedback and preferences for new ideas?
Make room for pilot projects and prototypes.
Pilots and prototypes can be used to test innovative ideas. Responsive adjustments can address problems found in proposed designs.
Timely response to trial test results can improve new ideas and allow room for creativity. POS Personas, such as the Magnet, can facilitate out the process of stakeholder engagement.
Small, short-term, and low-cost interventions can have remarkable impacts on shaping neighbourhoods and cities. They test out the community’s receptiveness to new ideas in the public space before investing in larger and more permanent alterations.
The Sage and POS operators can gain experience from unsuccessful pilot projects and prototypes. They can then apply their experiences to other sites to make them successful.
Pilots and prototypes serve as a resource for future projects. Consider having a sharing platform to disseminate the test results and empower a wider community.